Monday 25 June 2012

7. Young and Rubicam (The 4 C's)

Seven Types Of People

Young and Rubicam created a theory that looked at the brands people brought and how people felt about them. The system created saw the understanding of the deeper appeals of the brands. They used Maslows Hierarchy of Needs to help base their ideas on which included physiological needs, safety need and esteem needs. They system understood that people from different countries were influenced by different cultural backgrounds so to make it a fair system, removed the effect of these, this led to it being named the Cross Cultural Consumer Characterisation, the 4C's for short. The theory divides people into seven types, depending on their core motivation. The seven types included;

The Explorer
These people are driven by the need for challenge and to discover and are often the first to try out new ideas and experiences, these people were seen to accept and respond to new brands that offer instant effects. They want to be seen as different and the first - the core they need in life is discovery.

The Aspirer
These people are materialistic people that are driven by others perceptions of them rather than by their own values. These respond to what others see as being superficials. Eg; Image, appearance, person and fashion. While most would look at the contents of a pack, these would focus on the attractiveness of it.
These type of people's core in life is for status.

The Succeeder
The succeeders have a strong goal and know where they want to be, setting goal and being organised to get there. They often reach positions of responsibility in society. When looking at brands they seek reward and seek out the best because they want the best and feel like they deserve it. However, the also seek out protective brands due to their aggressive, fighting attitude to life, they need to relax. Their core needs in life is for control.

The Reformer
The reformer are socially aware and pride themselves on tolerance and they are often the leading edge of society and perceived as intellectual. However, when looking at brands, they won't buy things purely because they're new. Their core in life is for enlightenment.

The Mainstream
These people live in the world of 'the everyday', in their lives a daily routine is a main part of their life and the way they live. When looking at their life choices they adapt a rather 'we' than 'me' attitude, so their untied with other people. They are mainstream with society and the largest group evidently. They respond to 'family' brands an value for money to stick to what they know and live like the majority - money saving. Their core need in life is for security.

The Struggler
These people are the type of people that have the 'You Only Live Once' approach to live, as they live for today and make few plans for tomorrow. They are often associated as wasters and losers, people that have little aims and few resources apart from physical skills. If they get anywhere in life, it's seen as if it will only depend on if they win the lottery rather than working hard and getting places. Their lives are apparently associated with alcohol and junk food and visual and physical impact and sensations are important in their brand choices. These people seek escape.

The Resigned
These people are predominantly older people with unchanging values that have built up over time, the past has a nostalgic feel to it. They respect institutions and enjoy a traditional role. Their brand choices and driven by the need to safety and following what they know and are familiar too. Their aim in life is to simply survive.

Which of the 'Seven Types' am I?
Personally, I think I fit into 'The Succeeder' as I feel I fit into the definition. For example, I know where I want to be and have set goals and I'll do anything to get there, whatever happens.
"The succeeders have a strong goal and know where they want to be, setting goal and being organised to get there. They often reach positions of responsibility in society." I believe this reflects me.

Bad Religion - Broken

I decided to watch this video without sound to try and adapt a visual opinion and see what it tries to create. This video appeals to The Struggler due to glass breaking portraying that the audience is trying to escape as the song is called Broken, they've used this effect. The Struggler seeks escape and this effect means people feel uncomfortable and not want to continue watching as their view is disorientated - like the lifestyles of The Struggler. This relates back to the genre as well and the type of people associated with the different genres. For example, this song would fit into the punk/rock genre as people from that genre would also be associated with this type of person.

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