Monday 22 October 2012

31. Ideology Of The Genre


The song I am using fits into the pop genre, however, not the stereotypically pop genre that is seen as quite happy and light hearted - it fits into the pop ballad section of the genre which is the opposite. This is often quite 'heavy' with emotive images or lyrics that often try and create a point or have a meaning behind them. This is the opposite to the most of pop songs that are fun and jolly. A prime example of a pop ballad and the ideology of the music video, is Beautiful - Christina Aguilera. This contains many emotive images. 

These images relate with the lyrics from the song creating a narrative concept yet also including performance aspects as well. Although, the performance part of the video is simple and sees the artist sitting on her own in the room. The rest of the video shows controversial images throughout that are very bold, for example, showing two gay men kissing implying this is acceptable and everyone should have the right to be how they want to be. Another example is the skinny boy trying to lift weights, evidently trying to get bigger, probably for social approval as he doesn't feel okay how he is. Due to the music being 'bold' and 'heavy' the mis-en-scene is dark throughout the video when showing these images, there is little light. At the start of the video there is a flower that is noticeably dead and then the shot at the end proves that the flower is alive, relating to the peoples feelings and emotions. The genre often shows peoples emotions and aims to connect with the audience and create empathy. 

The videos often contain characters with little sex appeal or attractive characters, this is because it's usually trying to create a point in many cases, singing about something thats relatable although this depends on the artist and the song. However in this case the characters have little sex appeal as it's trying to imply something serious and trying to show everyone is beautiful as they are. Therefore, they use 'average' people that people can compare themselves too and show the connection between them. 

In this video particularly, there is no special effects and the editing is simple. This is due to the videos often just simply trying to get the point of the narrative across and concentrate on the meaning behind the song. I will take this idea and establish it in my video as the main aspect is on the narrative rather then complex editing. If the song was fast and quick tempo with a beat, like a dance song with little meaning quick editing would obviously be an essential. The fans and audiences of pop ballad will often want to see a simple video creating a point. 

Pop ballads often have emotion throughout them and various connections and emotive points throughout. This is what I aim to do, particularly as I said previously that I want personal identity and people to identify with my video, just like the one above. The videos also leave people feeling good about themselves and motivated and this is a key aspect of my video and idea. 

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