Monday 12 November 2012

37. Organisation

Another important aspect I make sure is adequate is my organisation prior to filming. I must make sure everything is organised so when I actually film, the process is easy and runs smoothly. The key factors i need to make sure are correct are, actors, costumes, props and location.


I will only use one main character throughout my video for the narrative and slight performance aspect of my video. I have asked permission and made sure that this will all be acceptable and okay. This girl will also be the girl that will lip sync throughout my song so is the one key character throughout. The individual I have chosen represents the type of person I want to create a reaction with and create a connection with so this played a part in my decision. She is sporty and fits the genre well. Although I may try and add another character in at some point to gain other perspectives and structure.


The attire I will use will represent the genre and idea I want to create, eg. a sporting aspect. So the 'costumes' will just be sports wear and suitable footwear. This is to maintain I stick with the idea of the individual from a sporting aspect. It will be evident to the audience this is what I want to create if they're in this clothing. I will use darker coloured clothing to begin with to create a darker feel, and then at the end of the video, bright colours to represent the success and happiness of the individual


The props I shall use will once again reflect a sporting aspect. For example, footballs to indicate to the audience thats what it's based on. However, my video is going to be quite basic in this sense using natural resources as a prime focus point so I'm not really going to use a lot of props as it's a simple idea.


My locations are all mostly rural locations, showing isolation and big wide areas, I want to use these natural resources. At the end of my video, I hope to have a shot with the sun shining to once again represent the happiness and success of the individual in the video. Throughout the video, I hope to film some elements in the rain or cold weather to represent the struggle they're going through. Obviously I can't control the weather but this is what I aim to create. Locations like large hills represent the struggle that they face. 

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