Friday 6 July 2012

11. Pudding Bowl Analysis

Pudding Bowl

What does this short film mean to you?
I like this short film due to portraying the attitude of the young girl. Even though she doesn't actually do anything wrong, she is punished unfairly. Despite getting all her beloved hair cut short, she decides to embrace it and still show how she can be attractive and represent the girl in the photo. By doing this she also gets revenge on her brothers and friends showing that what they've done hasn't actually affected her. I like her comeback attitude and the fact she doesn't let it bring her down and effect her and that she makes the best out of a bad situation even though the odds are against her throughout. As an audience you feel glad that she's able to do this because you feel empathy for her and feel sympathetic to begin with as it seems so unfair that, that should happen to her.

The film is set in the 50's so the mise-en-scene also resembles this. For example, the setting it shows a run-down urban area and the clothes are also representative of this for example the shirts and shorts the boy is wearing. The pictures Ivy is looking at also show the time, due to the style of hair cut she wants. The girl in the picture is who she aspires to be and the mis-en-scene shows the period of time again by the hair cut in the picture and the red lipstick on the attractive model showing the period of time. This picture is representative of what she wants to become, she wants to become a glamorous model and believes her hair will make her become this person, so when her hair is cut off, an element of that dream and aspiration has also been ruined too. However, she later creates the representation of the model and the dream she has by using the tights and the bike to allow the boys to run after her. Although she thought she couldn't have the dream, she creates her own version of it and gets her moment.

Shots and Editing
To begin with, there is an extreme close up of the picture of the model she aspires to be, alliterating that this is what the film may be about. It becomes evident the film is based on this and this shot allows the audience to recognise this straight away. Another extreme close up is used when looking at the glue, once again the audience notice that this will also be a prime factor in the film as it leads up to her hair being cut off. By using these shots especially the audience are able to establish what will be the main aspects of the film. The quick cuts and editing used while she's having her hair cut off to show the anger of her mum at her. Despite doing nothing wrong herself, it shows how angry her mum has become and how unfairly treated she is, the cut shows the speed at which her mum is hacking her hair off. After her hair's been cut off, there is a low angle to portray the hair falling down on the floor, representing her hope being ruined and falling down and being destroyed. As it hits the floor, the screen goes black with the hair, representing her feelings about the situation, possibly showing the anger she has and how she has been treated. An overhead shot shows her sitting surrounded by her hair in a circle, just as if the hair is surrounding her, she used to love it and now it's like she's been trapped in the middle of it, trapped in a nightmare due to it being cut off. Another extreme close up also shows the anger on her face and how it's unfair that she's been treated like it. Once again, near the end of the film, there's another extreme close up of the picture of the model re-establishing that this is a main aspect of the film and it's been continued. Slow motion is used when she representing her dream to show how she feels at that moment by showing a beautiful model on the bike being chased on the bike. This has been used to allow the audience to establish this is what she wanted to create and feel yet really she's just being chased by her brother and friends but it's how she feels at the moment.

At the beginning of the film there is a big emphasis on the sound of the scissors, there is no sound other than this, foreshadowing what may happen in the future, obviously this sound being repeated when her hairs cut off. There is also a massive emphasis on the sound of the glue being poured on her hair, showing it's a main element in the film due to it being the deciding factor on her getting her hair cut off and it being a big part of her appearance and life and what she wants to become. Once again, while she's getting her hair cut off, the sound of the scissors is also emphasised again showing this and the anger of her mother, hacking at her hair and the fact it's over so quickly. As if her dreams are ruined in an instant. The dialogue of the mother shows the anger of her, she shouts at her saying how angry she is and says she's sitting there like 'butter wouldn't melt', this seems ironic at the fact she actually hasn't done anything. The sound of the music at the end is happy and upbeat in comparison to the depressing sad music while she's reminiscing what could of been her hair. This indicates that she's still making the best of a bad situation and still becoming what she wants to become.

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