Friday 13 July 2012

12. Music Video Analysis

Audio Bullys - We Don't Care

We watched this video without the sound to establish what music genre we think it would fit into to. By watching it without the sound it meant we weren't influenced and where able to establish whether the video did actually fit the genre and whether the video was meant to create a certain picture.

We all decided that the genre the video would most fit would be rap due to the nature of the video. This is due to looking at the setting of the video, being in a run down area of Britain the ABC demographics, this may be aimed at the group C due to setting. The little boy in the video walks with a 'swag' showing he could be cocky and seen as 'hard', some may describe it as chav like, leading back to the genre of rap and what it's associated with. Being set in an urban area it was easy to establish this and by looking closely the video fits the stereotypes of the demographic that would be seen to like rap. After watching the video again, with the music, we were able to see that what we thought was correct and the genre was actually rap showing that a stereotypical approach has been used when creating this video, however, it has a slight twist. A little boy has been used in the video, but is seen as acting like a grown man would, for example, once again walking with a 'swag', acting tough and going to the pub being interested in women. This is to indicate the represenation of males that behave like small boys, so by using the small boy it's showing them to have little maturaity and representating them as thinking their bigger than they are. For example, possibily fights with each other. The music is music that makes you believe that someone would start a fight too, so this picture is continued of the demographic being low income place and low intellegence. The video has got a gangster feel to it throughout, continuing to imply the genre and the type of music. Personally, I think they've portrayed the aspect of men thinking they're bigger than they are, but behaving like small boys well as the audience can visually see that they are sometimes seen as behaving like the small boy is. Overall, I think it's been cleverly done and fits with the genre.

Going Out In Style - Dropkick Murphys

Just like the video above, we watched this also without sound to try and gain an un-bias opinion of what we thought the genre of the song was judging by the video and whether it fit the conventions and stereotypes. By looking at the video, it seemed as if the genre would be quite grebby because of the type of people and mise-en-scene in the video, for example their make up and type of clothing. However, this video had a different kind of aspect to it, for example, there was alot of green in the video to make it seem as if it was irish. They also looked like they were having a good time and partying which also fits the irish stereotype, although, we also thought it may have an American factor to it due to the attractiveness of the people in it. This is very stereotypical of American music videos and films as they often include the stereotypical 'perfect' aspect to it, to bring in the demographic, particularly using attractive females to attract males are often this is what they look for.
Watching the video again proved that we were correct in our opinions and the video was quite grebby, but with a irish involved. For example, the genre is American-Irish, with the background music being very irish-based yet the lyrics having a very American aspect. People who watch this video will aspire to be the people in the video as they fit this attractive nature and will want to be like them yet they can also relate to the people in the video as they also fit the genre and establish people that belong to that genre. Throughout the video it shows all the males having a good time and enjoying themselves. If we look back to research, particularly Young and Rubican, it shows these people are in the 'struggler' category as they seem to fit the 'you only live once' approach. This also leads on to the aspect of the video that it's a funeral and the song is called 'going out in style', despite it being a funeral, they're having fun and celebrating the person who has just died, once again, showing the struggler approach that just likes to have fun and live their lives. This may also be what the demographic in the video want to achieve with their lives and show that they just want to have fun with no worries and enjoy themselves.

Boyce Avenue - Find Me

As a group we also watched this video, deciding who we thought the video would be aimed at, what demographic and what type of video it is and whether it followed aspects of the genre showing originality of following typical ideas.

When looking at the video, it was easily noticable that the video was a performance video and a narrative video was aimed at women who have either been through a break up with someone they love or who have just found them, relating the emotional side of it. However, it is also aimed at the male demographic aswell, prefably the people that are not afraid to show and portray their emotion, using the lyrics to allow their feelings to be shown. The male demographic is also targetted by the cuts and close up shots of the instruments being played when there is a main part occuring, for example, when someones playing the guitar, an extreme close up of the strings. The men are stereotypically more likely to go pay attention to this in comparison to the lyrics or the narrative aspect of it, where as females more likely to pay attention to the narrative so this video is based on both and they can both relate to the meaning behind the video.
The song is a power ballard, from the indie/rock genre. I'd also say the demographic would be late teens/early 20's due to this being the time people often begin to really fall in love and form their first relationships and first loves so can really relate to the song and the video. The video's narrative aspect shows what the women typically want, which is why this is aimed at them. For example, relationships and then forming a family with their husband. Personally, I think this video would be based on 'The Succeeder' due to them setting a goal, EG; the family life and the marriage. 

Charlie Simpson - Parachutes

This video includes each three aspects of video throughout, firstly, performance due him singing along throughout the song, however, he's carrying a billboard in the video which relates to the concept aspect due to the fact some of these parts don't relate at all to the song and it's not easy to establish in some cases. Although, there is an aspect of narrative throughout as well. For example, it shows different parts of his life, for example, him getting on with a girl, then falling out with her, it shows the two extremes of each cases. As a group we also decided this video would be aimed at late teens/early 20's again, possibly from the indie/indie rock genre. The video is aimed at this age group because once again, thats the type of age where they can relate with the aspects involved in the video, for example realtionships and following your dreams. However, we recognised that this video may be based at an A/B social group as more intellegence is needed to understand the video as it's not as straight forward as the video for Find Me, where the majority of it is narrative. For example, we read the video as the billboard being used as a way of apologising to people by showing his regrets and what he's done wrong throughout life. This leads to the gender of the demographic being men and women due to this aspect. Everyone would feel the same when looking at apologising and they would have all been through the same things he's going through, another reason why the demographic would have to have lived a bit to understand the meaning behind the video. This video would be based on 'The Succeeder' again, as he's looking for success with people, apologising and getting them back on side and also living life and achieving his dreams and having control for example, of his life and who he has around him in his friends. He wants to have control and have his friends so apologises to keep them on side. I think aspects of this video are clever when portraying the song, particually the use of the billboard.

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