Friday 7 September 2012

16. Evaluation On Prelim. Music Video Task

1. Scripting

Due to me and my partner completing a music video for our preliminary task, our scripting was limited down to the majority of our video being either slightly narrative but with no dialogue or mining being used to show the lyrics. However, we printed out the lyrics of our song and established what we could do for each section of the song, for example, what shots and how visually we could show what we wanted to. We decided to go with the linear narrative and use the lyrics to relate to the video we finally made. To do this we wrote notes around areas of the lyrics to show this so we could break the song up into different shots that we would eventually cut together to form the whole video. Although, I have learnt that a detailed plan will help in the future when doing my final project due to it being easier to see and establish when planning and will allow me to channel my ideas futher and have them all written down where I can see and chose the best possible ones rather than just sticking with my original one.


As we had limited time, we decided against a storyboard for the preliminary task using the lyrics again to establish the scenes and shots we would use. For example, as I've said, discussing and noting what scene and shots we'd use for each parts of the lyrics as well as drawing minor little sketches and breaking it up. Although it was simple, and lacked detail, it was useful due to the time we had to quickly show what we wanted to achieve and was easy to visualise. However, I obviously will improve on this on my final piece as planning is a vital part of the process and shall use more detail for example, complete a detailed storyboard so it's easy to establish what I want to create allowing the final filming to be easier. I have learnt that a storyboard would be helpful to visually see what parts we'd filmed and what we were going to film. It would be easier during the filming stage because it would be all set out in a detailed plan for us to see what we need to do. It would also be easier to plan different ideas and draw many storyboards out and visually see the many ideas I/we would come up with and see what would work best. It will also show whether the ideas would work before filming so time isn't wasted timing pointless shots. Detailed storyboards would also show the whole process to be far more professional.


Our locations were limited due to the time we had to produce this video, so we were only able to stick to school grounds and areas for the location rather than locations that would work better with our ideas. This initially meant we were limited with ideas of what we could do to make it look as good as we could with the resources we had. However, due to it only being a preliminary task, it wasn't essential but we learnt that the location can allow the outcome of how a video looks and the professional quality of it. Although, my partner and I enabled our ideas to adapt to the location so that it didn't cause too much effect to the outcome, even though it would've been better to use different locations. This allowed us to see how the location can effect a video and the planning resulting in us realising that in our final project, location plays a key part and can adapt the whole mood and end product that is created.


I have learnt due to this task that planning is important along with the filming because without establishing what you have to do. By not producing a story board it did effect the speed we completed things due to us having to refer back to the lyrics and seen what we had put and work it out rather than it being black and white clearly in front of us. I shall learn from this mistake and produce a clear story board so it's easy to follow. I believed our planning was adequate but meant our outcome wasn't as successful as it could of been. I will definitely allow more time to complete more complex planning as it's a vital part of the process and allows the filming part to be far easier. However, my partner and I's organisation was okay as we planned at the end of each lesson what we were going to complete in the next so we were ready and prepared in the next lesson, EG with cameras and discussed in advance with people that we may need them to star in our video. Although our planning was limited, our ideas tended to just come to us which was good, we managed to work well together and bounce ideas off each other which showed we could work well together.


I believe my partner and I worked well as a team together. We managed to produce our video in a short time period, under pressure together and make it happen. However, although it wasn't too the best quality, we managed to think of an idea and produce it. Previously both being let down by partners/groups we both understood the need to pull our weight and produce work for not only ourselves but for each other doing the same amount and no one doing more than another or leaving all the work to one person. Thinking of ideas wasn't hard due to the fact we both wanted to create the same sort of thing. The filming was equally shared along with the editing. Due to the fact I hadn't used the software before and wasn't aware of how to really use it, my partner was helpful and gave me a short tutorial and help with how to work it to allow me to complete the editing also. Overall, it was good to work with someone who had the same ideas and was able to enjoy producing with.


Personally, I believed editing was one of the difficult parts of this production. This was down to wanting to do the work to a high quality, but having limited time and never having used the software before meaning I personally had to quickly grasp the idea of it. Personally, I didn't think the software was difficult to use due to using Macs before, however, I need to practice using the software to get the full benefit of it. Editing was difficult due to trying to get the music to sync with the mining. This took the longest period of time and meant we had to replay parts of the music over and over again to enable the synced together and didn't look to a bad quality. It was vital we did this as it would've looked unprofessional and to a lower standard. It was worth the effort obviously as in the end we were finally able to do it and the end product made it look good and made the work worth it. It was hard not to get frustrated when things weren't working for us though as it seemed to take a long period of time to get it exactly right, but obviously it had to be done. Rather than editing our video all in one go, we uploaded the footage as we went and edited as we went along. I don't know if it would have worked better to get all the footage first then edit it together to produce a better end product. I believe if we'd had a longer time period this is what I would have done as it would have possibly made difficult areas more accessible and easier to edit.

Final Product

The final product looked better than I expected due to it being mine and my partners first attempt at anything like this before, as we have learnt, using video and editing is far harder than still images like we've been used to and a lot depends on quality and the quality of the person videoing, for example using a tripod. It looked amateur, and rough editing, yet we expected this as it was our first attempt and limited time meant it didn't allow us to spend the time we wanted to on it, perfecting it. Saying this, it meant we could learn and means we can look to fix our mistakes in the future with our final product whatever this decides to be. Making the mistakes now means we can fix them and make them better. Although, the video isn't bad to begin with and I can take positives, I am to make my final piece better and far more professional.

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