Monday 8 October 2012

24. Target Audience

Target Audience


I have decided that Laura Mulvey's theory doesn't apply to my video and I will carefully consider it throughout the production of my video. For example, stereotypically, women that participate in sport or are seen in that form, for example, sweating is seen as unattractive. I want to show the participant in this form as they should be seen, not artificially and sexualised. I won't use camera shots or editing that will particularly focus on the body of the female and won't use it as a sexual icon, going against the theory.
I want to go against the theory as I believe in many pop videos this is used to try and gain the males attention but I also feel I should portray the female in a powerful, intimidating way, rather than showing that males have the upper hand, where this is not the case in my idea. However, it will be difficult to go against it completely as people, particularly males. There will always be an element of the male gaze. For example, although some males find females participating in sport unattractive, a proportion are actually the opposite and find it attractive. So, the theory does not apply stereotypically, but in some ways it could end up applying dependant on the audience.

Females in sport are definitely not as well respected in comparison to the males. For example, the male England football team and the Women's football team. The media the men receives is far larger and wider than the female. A prime example is the money, where as the men are on large wages a week, only a tiny proportion of women get paid. I want to show women in sport in a powerful way in my video to try and show once again the 'fighter' aspect of many of their attitudes and show a different representation than usual.


My narrative will relate to men and women, although it's a women involved in my video. I want to create the powerful image of a female, particularly in sport, although, I want it to be aimed at both genders and create the underlying message that both genders can 'fight' for what they want, relating back to the song. Females will be portrayed as strong and with the upper hand going against stereotypes. In many cases the men are often shown as the powerful gender and I want to create the opposite of this and a show a different side to women that is rarely shown in music videos as most often relate back to Laura Mulvey and create a sexual image for women. I think women will appreciate the video due to it always being about how the women look in the video. However, I believe women will still look at what the women looks like and base an opinion whether it's relating on looking down on the women. Some males may view the video and still continue to produce the sexist attitude and opinion.


Amy Mullett

Amy will be my 'model' and is the type of person that represents my target audience perfectly when creating my video. Although I will aim to hit a large range of people, when narrowing it down, this is the type of person I want it to relate too. She is a 17 year old girl, who has a massive interest for a wide range of sports. The song I have decided to use is a Pop/Rock Ballard. This relates to her due to her lifestyle.

The lifestyle of my target audience will be someone like Amy that has a very busy lifestyle but that uses music to motivate along the way particularly when it comes to sports and exercising. She is a full time student, with a part time job that plays football regularly along with basketball and cricket, this can be draining after a long period of time so she uses music to continue her motivation throughout. Obviously, she has had hard periods of time when playing sport, especially periods where she's been injured and finding it hard to get back through the struggles - this is what I want to create in my video, showing the passion to fight back.

The type of clothes she wears is obviously sports wear when participating, so this would be the type of attire that would also appear in my video, although on a day to day life, casual clothes is what she would wear. For example, jeans and a jumper. Although, as I said, this is just a slight proportion of the type of people that would listen to this genre and there is a wide range due to the fact it's a ballad and the majority of people listen to them when they want motivation to have a sing-along.

As I said, my 'model' is only a small proportion of the type of people that would listen to this genre and it's hard to establish an exact type of person. However, I will obviously base it on a sporting aspect of people that like sports and music. For example, my models interests are sport and music which go perfectly with what I'm aiming to create in my video, I'm trying to incorporate. For example, she plays football 4 times a week, and basketball so is very competitive and passionate - main traits in her personality. She also goes to music festivals and gigs but has a wide range of musical interests.

My age range that I am aiming my video at is 16-25, so therefore the categories vary due to some individuals may be in full time work where as others may be in part time work and it depends on the situation their in. For example, my model I'd say my model fits into the category, C1/B when looking at the socio-economic group. She has disposable income to purchase music and go to these gigs and be passionate about music, also, having an ipod meaning she can use music when participating in exercise and this ballad can motivate her. However, it's more based on her parents income and social group. Where as someone older in age will have their own proper income, so many fit into C-D especially if they're just starting off in their profession. Therefore, I want it to show the 'fight' that most people are beginning to gain due to the economic stage we're in. People have had to learn to push through hard terms. This relates back to sexism in sport as well. Women in sport, particularly get paid less, so will be in a lower social group due to this so I want it to be aimed at them as well, so I aim to make this video quite raw and original.

I believe there is a gap in the market for people like this as I think they are a slight minority as the majority of girls stereotypically are not interested in participating in exercise passionately and what to do it as a career when they reach their teen years. It's classically thought of as a niche but it's less of a taboo nowadays. I believe there is only a small minority of videos like this and I wish to incorporate both of my passions of sport and music in it.

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