Friday 13 July 2012

13. Theorists - Narrative Theory

Vladimir Propp

Propps theory was that characters have a narrative function, they always provide a structure for the text. For example, each character performs a function, an example for this is, the hero is a character that seeks something and villain always blocks or opposes the heroes quest. There were 31 generic sections in russian folk tales, stating that folk tales were about the same basic struggles, he identified them as narrative functions. However, there have been some criticisms were that it was quite male orientated.


Todorov suggested that stories begin with an equilibrium/status quo where any potentially opposing forces are in balance. The equilibrium disrupted by some events, setting chain a series of events. Problems are solved so order can be restarted. The narratives have 5 stages;
1. A state of equilibrium at outset
2. Disruption of equilibrium 
3. Recognition that has been disruption
4. Attempt to repair disruption
5. Reinstatement of equilibrium

This is applied to many mainstream narrative.

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