Monday 1 October 2012

22. Laura Mulvey and The Male Gaze

Laura Mulvey and the Male Gaze

"the gaze is male whenever it directs itself at, and takes pleasure in, women, where women function as erotic objects" - Laura Mulvey. 

Laura Mulvey is controversial individual in the media due to producing the term 'Male Gaze' in 1975. She introduced her beliefs that film audiences have to view characters from the perspective of a heterosexual male. For example, the video is based around women and using them sexually to create a viewing point for the males. However, females can see it in three set ways, how men look at women, how women look at themselves, and how women look at other women. I believe this has potentially played a big part of how society has been shaped and led to the insecurities of women today and how many feel the need to be 'perfect' and criticise the way they look, particularly if the focus is continually on women in a sexual way. Women often feel the need to change how they are for this reason. 

Features of the Male Gaze include the camera shots and editing focusing on the female body and attractive parts of the body such as a women's figure and curves, exploiting their sexual aspects. There are also features regarding events which happen to the women but are presented in the aspect of the man's reaction. The way the women is portrayed, immediately produces the main focus on them and the way the male interact and view them. Although, there is also a slight focus on the male and the representation of the males and how the females view them. However, they are secondary and this is seen as not as important, showing how the main focus is from the male point of view. 

Britney - Toxic

Britney is stereotypically viewed as a sexual icon and in many ways this is correct and proven in this video. I'd say this video is a perfect example of the Male Gaze and what Mulvey is trying to get across. For example, to begin with, the way she is dressed in this video. Many males automatically perceive women who are in uniform as sexual and is in the 'fetish' gaze. The focus is automatically on Britney as she's dressed in a provocative manner and the camerawork allows her to be the main aspect of the video, particularly on her figure. The point of view is automatically for the male gender, although, it also fits into Mulvey's theory and results in females viewing themselves in a negative light due to how 'perfect' the artists seem. Although, many don't seem to realise that this 'perfection' is not realistic or reachable and is only a fantasy. 

Although I do agree with Mulveys theory, I don't deny that this also occurs when females looking at men, its undeniable that the majority of the gaze is on females and the way males portray them, however, there is also the same with the way females view males as well. Although the main focus is how women are portrayed, male are also treated in the same manner. For example, in many cases, the shots and angles show males in a sexual way for example, they are often seen topless and their bodies shown off and highlighted, particularly strong, muscley, men.

1 comment:

  1. Doing my English assignment and stumbled across this page. Good stuff
