Tuesday 29 January 2013

42. Futher Magazine Advertisment Research

I decide to research into magazine advertisment futher due to having lack of resources previously, I felt like I didn't gain enough knowledge to produce my own. For example, it was difficult to find adequate resources online, therefore I purchased a NME music magazine to look first hand at some. Although this doesn't particuarly focus on my genre, I can look a general outlines of advertisments and adapt mine to my genre, given how much knowledge I already have on this, it should be fairly simple. Although the majority of these focus on gigs rather than albums I can gain the same stereotypical structure and adapt this to maintain it to be an album advertisment. They have have the same aspects to them other than one is advertising gigs and one albums.

Firstly, this advertistment of The Killers. This advertisment fills the whole A4 side, showing them predominatly. Therefore, they've used an image that fills the majority of the page to ensure they use the space productively. Each of the individuals are dressed in black, ensuring they stand out on the red background. The black shows them as dominant and the key individuals in the image. However, Brandon Flowers is evidently the lead singer in the advert. The other three members of the band are slightly behnd him and he's standing slightly futher forward. Although this is just a small aspect, it's very effective as it makes it clear he's the lead singer. However, due to the fact they're all dressd in the same attire, it shows no dominance in that form and that they're all on the same level and it shows to me personally, unity between the band.

The advert has a colour scheme of black, red, and grey which are all very bold colours. The red is a very bold, and stands out on black of the picture. The background is also red enabling the black aspects of the picture to also stand out, also potentially re-inforcing the emotion the artists contain in their music and how they use it as a form of allowing themselves to express themselves. It could also represent their genre of music, showing the rocky aspect to their songs. 

The name of the band is places just under the torsos of the artists, just lower than the centre of the page. This means that the person viewing the advert recognises the artists first and then realises who they're are. The title of the band is the first bit of text you initially notice due to it being the largest, which you'd expect as it's the main aspect that you need to see. The title is in the standard stereotypical font you would usually associate with The Killers so it's easily recongisable. The other important aspects shown, for example, the Wembley Stadium are also easily readable in a large red font, along with where the tickets are avaliable.

Not only are they advertising the tour and tour tickets but they're advertisting other aspects as well, such as thier album. They do not do this is such a dominant way however, they're demostrating inter-texuality and enabling they're also including advertisment of their album because the same people are likely to be interested in tour dates and the album.

The advert is informative including the date of release and the time they will be avaliable. It also includes the websites they're avaliable from, enabling people know where they can get them from. I could take this idea for my own advert and advertise various shops/websites thats that the product is avaliable from.

Looking at the second advert, it differs from The Killers one. The main image doesn't show the artist but a setting with a person being shown in the distance not clearly, showing the artist is not the main aspect for them. However, the image allows the audience to gain a relaxing feel. For example, the image is of someone in the sea, which enforces this feeling as the sea is often seen as theraputic. There is no key artist shown which shows that the artists are confident that people will still recognise who they are in the advert. 

The name of the band is clearly at the top, it's easily readable for the audience. It's in a simple, large font in black so it stands out on the background image. The tour dates are also in an easy to read font in black so people can establish them quickly. There are slso numbers readily avaliable on the right to indicate that this is where they're avaliable and once again websites where the people can get tickets from. This advert shows all the information at the top rather than the bottom like The Killers so it's the first thing people see rather than the image.

Both of these are large and fill in the majority of the page for one and the full page for the other so they are both dominant and 'in your face' so the audience notice them and the informatiron they're trying to get across to the readers. Personally, it makes me think The Killers are more successful considering they have a full page to themselves.

Although both of these are for tours, they still have the same conventions as CD advertisments. For example, they both include a key image and large powerful fonts when indicating what artist it is. However, not all adverts use as image, particularly the small ones. Although, I personally will use an image, something more like the one used for the second advertisment that includes an image of setting rather than the first one. This is due to the fact I personally would prefer to relate to the meaning rather than the indivual and to personally keep the audience and listeners guessing and keep them out of the loop slightly. I also want my advertisment to be a whole page as I believe it will provide a more dominant advertisment. I have decided to use the same picture and idea of the front cover of the CD so it correlates and people will recongise the CD when they see it and establish who or what the artist is about. I have also decided to do this as I like the effect the picture creates, it gives the audience a slight indication of what they can expect. I haven't include websites that the album is avaliable from. However, I have included the release date but I wanted to keep the advertisment as simple as possible, much like the FOALS one, due to the fact my whole digipak and CD covers are also simple so I wanted to continue these ideas. Another convention I've realised is that of including the record company logo and texts once again, so I have also included these once again. This results in me sticking to various conventions of magazine advertisements but also creating a unique product that fits with my overall idea.

Personally, I'd say I've once again gone against the conventions of the pop ballad gene sticking to my main theory throughout. For example, not using images of people and settings instead to go against Laura Mulvey's theory that is seen regularly in the industry. I obviously wanted to provide something different so once again gone against these conventions. I used an image of the setting I used throughout to embrace the continuity in my work and to use an image thats recognisable - just like The Killers image of themselves. Although it's of a setting, it's one thats used throughout. 

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